Welcome to Concord Junior Soccer Club (CJSC) for what promises to be an exciting and enjoyable season.
The Club
Although our history can be traced back to the early years of the Concord District, it took the foresight of a group of friends in 1958 to form the CJSC Inc and to promote the game of soccer for the youth of Concord. From those early years of a handful of teams, Concord last year fielded over 60 teams in the Canterbury district competition, and registered over 1000 players and officials.
Your Commitment
CJSC is a non-profit Community Club and has always been run by volunteers, whether that be Committee, Coaches or Managers and therefore parents, as part of registering your child, are required to do ground duty on a rostered basis during the season. DO NOT PANIC, these duties only require setting up fields or manning the BBQ for an hour before or after your child’s game.
Where do we play?
All games are at Edwards Park on Saturdays – corner of Ian Parade and Brewer Streets; opposite Massey Park Golf Club.
When do we play?
Every Saturday morning commencing on 1st April 2023 and finishing with a gala day early September (exact date to be announced during the season).
Under 5 year old players start at 8:30am and are completed around 9:30am.
Under 6 year old players start at 8:30am and are completed around 10:15am.
(this includes a 45 minute training session and a 35 minute game).
Under 7 year old players start at 10:15am and are completed around 11:45am.
(this includes a 45 minute training session and a 35 minute game).
When do we NOT play?
We DO NOT PLAY: Easter weekend (8th April 2023) and the middle week of the winter school holidays (1st July 2023)
All players must wear shin pads and boots or sturdy sports shoes. The Club will supply socks, playing shorts and jersey for the season.
How we form teams
The way teams are formed for Mini Roos depends on the age group:
Under 5s: Every one is new. Players are grouped by the school/preschool they attend. That way they may know other people in their team. Teams will be formed by combining two or more schools so children from one school get to mingle with children from other schools.
Under 6s & Under 7s: Many players were previously formed into teams, some players will be new. Each new season, players are sorted into teams based on (1) the team they played in last season and/or (2) the school they attend (e.g. new players).
Generally, teams will be roughly equal in size so all players have a similar amount of playing time. This is to avoid having oversized teams with players sitting on the sideline getting bored while other teams are playing short.
Please do not ask to change teams after they have been finalised. Teams are balanced and moving just one player unbalances two teams. Please note we do not accept requests to set up specific teams as it becomes overly complicated with multiple changes of mind and causes much resentment in those who are excluded.
For more details, click on this how we form teams link.
Information and Team Placement Days
All players are asked bring water to wear appropriate clothes & shin pads to play and train in.
U/5 year olds
Date: 18th March 2023
Time: 8:30am
Location: Edwards Park
Download a copy of the U5 information sheet here.
U/6 year olds
Date: 18th March 2023 & 25th March 2023
Time: 9:15am to 10:30am
Location: Edwards Park
Download a copy of the U6 information sheet here.
U/7 year olds
Date: 18th March 2023 & 25th March 2023
Time: 11:00am to 12:30pm
Location: Edwards Park
Download a copy of the U7 information sheet here.
If raining check Club social media for updates.
We strongly recommend following the club’s social media @ConcordJSC on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for updates during the season.
Queries: Email the Club Administrator at secretary@concordsoccer.org.au