The following guidelines are aimed to help you in your role as manager of your team.
First game of the season
Hand out the following equipment to each player:
Playing jersey​
Shorts (to new players and returning players if previously requested)
Socks (to new players and returning players if previously requested)
NB: Each player is then responsible for bringing their playing equipment each week - except for the goalkeeper. It is recommended that the manager collects the goalkeeper shirt, shorts (if applicable) and gloves at the end of the game each week to remove the risk that the previous goalkeeper is away the following game or forgets to bring the goalkeeper equipment to the next game.
Weekly (in the days leading up to a game)
Check the draw in the DRIBL app (regularly)
Advise parents/players of details of the game for that week​​
If your ​team is scheduled to play the first game on a field at Edwards Park, also advise the parents/players they will be required to set up the field 30mins before play is due to start​
If your team is scheduled to play the last game on a field at Edwards Park, also advise the parents/players they will be required to pack up the field after the game has completed
If your team is rostered on for canteen/BBQ/ground duty, ensure all timeslots have been assigned to volunteer parents from your team and confirm with the Canteen Manager
Re-check the draw in DRIBL on Friday night to ensure game details have not changed.​ If changed, advise parents/players of new details
In event of bad weather, continually monitor the Club's social media sites as well as WhatsApp/SMS (especially on game day morning) for notification from Club Administrator about cancellation and/or game changes (the Association may decide to move games rather than cancel)​. Also continually monitor DRIBL for updates on cancellations/game changes.
Game day
​​In the 30mins prior to each game​
If your ​team is scheduled to play the first game on a field at Edwards Park, arrange for the volunteers from your parent/spectator group to set up the field using the equipment from the storage room
Prepare the matchsheet in DRIBL (click here for video instructions)
Select each player who is playing the game including substitutes
Select any players borrowed from another team (NB: familiarise yourself with the eligibility conditions in the FC Rules of Association in respect to using substitutes from other teams - IMPORTANT: DO NOT RELY ON DRIBL)
Enter the correct shirt number for each player
Ensure at least one team official is selected
Submit your team
Confirm the opposition's team ​​​​
Where you are playing your game at Edwards Park or Majors Bay Reserve (or both teams are playing at a neutral ground), select a volunteer from your parent/spectator group to be the ground official and ensure they wear the orange hi-vis Ground Official vest
Just before the start of your game
Ensure the technical area contains only the following people:
Up to two registered team officials each wearing their yellow hi-vis Team Official vest
This is most likely to be the coach and yourself as manager but if the team has more than two registered officials then only a maximum of two are allowed in the technical area at any one time
Substitute players marked on the team sheet as playing
Not allowed in the technical area are:
Non-playing members of the team (e.g. injured players not playing that game)
Additional team officials - not even the team's Ground Official (orange vest)
Partners, children, friends, pets etc are not allowed in the technical area
At the end of each game
Enter score in DRIBL app
Check result and score entered in DRIBL app by referee (Important: this cannot be changed at a later date)
Collect all hi-vis vests and return them to the manager's bag​
Collect the goalkeeper equipment and return them to the manager's bag
If your team is scheduled to play the last game on a field at Edwards Park, arrange for the volunteers from your parent/spectator group to pack up the field and return the equipment to the storage room
Last game of the season
Collect all player jerseys and goalkeeper equipment
Ensure manager's bag contains all equipment handed out at the beginning of the season:
Game ball(s)​ / pump / whistle
Yellow hi-vis Team Official vest (x 2)
Orange hi-vis Ground Official vest
Player jerseys
Goalkeeper shirt (and shorts if provided)
Goalkeeper gloves
Return the manager's bag to CJSC on the day to be advised by the Club Administrator​